In a heartwarming show of solidarity and community spirit, Park Orchards Primary School (POPS) commemorated its strong connection with the Pettet Foundation on Monday, October 30th, under the banner of its “Aussie of the Month” assembly.
The assembly served as a poignant tribute to the Pettet family, whose lives were tragically cut short in a car accident on January 26, 2001, inspiring the establishment of the Pettet Foundation.
The Foundation stands as a beacon of hope for children and families in our community confronting various crises. Cam Sutherland, a devoted committee member of the Pettet Foundation, explained the Foundation’s remarkable initiatives aimed at providing crucial support to those in need in and around our local community.
At POPS, nurturing values like gratitude is a cornerstone of their education program. Cam’s visit was a call to reflect on what we often take for granted but also to extend our hands to those in our community who might be facing adversity and may not be aware of.
During the event, each school year level donned specific-coloured tops, symbolizing unity, and a shared sense of community. The students gathered on the school oval to form the word PETTET.
The scene was immortalized by a drone, capturing a striking image and video to raise awareness and support for the Pettet Foundation’s noble cause.
“If we can instil in our children the values of empathy and kindness, we are not just nurturing hope for the future, but also actively building better tomorrows for those in need,” Cameron Sutherland shared.
Cam added: “The heartwarming showcase of unity, coupled with unwavering support, stands as a testament to the effectiveness of working together and community engagement.”
This event unified the POPS community, honouring the Pettet family’s legacy, and carrying forward their mission of nurturing hope, building brighter futures, and making a profound difference.
This event marks the first of many ways that the Pettet Foundation will be engaging with the community.